Photo Page:
This is going to be the good page
had to put this one of tina at the top..i really couldnt resist. this is her outside the marquee at the columbanus 2002
Tina Claire Una
paul ali gerry claire and david (ABOVE) Gerry and David at the superbowl (BELOW)
Paul Tina Claire Una
Paul and Claire
Tina and Britta..eeeem wat can we say
Paul Claire and Tina..with Richard our honourary member
david in the Blair Witch "im so so scared"
us, at the top of croaghpatrick in the snow
us at the columbanus, in the tent otherwise known as the bodybag
paul kicking gerry after we chased him outta bed and into the we can pick on gerry cos hes smaller than us :P
christmas dinner 2001 (in springsteens)
Paul and David in Springsteens
Claire and Tina on the dance machine..the only reason we go to the superbowl